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Sign-up to add your business/organisation to the new Dornoch website.

To add or edit listings on the Dornoch Info website, you should register as a user.

Forgotten your password? click here and we'll email you a link to reset it.


The new Visit Dornoch website became live on 1st April 2013. It contains a directory of local businesses, clubs, societies and other organisations.

These are able to log in to the system to update their details - this may include the ability to add events to the website's calendar, special offers by local businesses and for accommodation providers, a facility to highlight availability.

Pay for my listing

You can register using the box on the right, add a new business if you wish, then edit and pay for your listing as required. However, if your business is already listed, and you just want to pay for your listing without any hassle, click here.


    Register with your personal details, not those of your organisation.

  1. Choose a password, at least 6 characters with no spaces.