Visit Dornoch

400 Years of Golf - Garden in a Golf Bag Competition

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The rules are very simple:

1 Displays entered in the competition need to reach a peak of perfection on August the 10th/11th and be clearly displayed at the front door of your property on those dates ready for the judging panel to take a photo.

2 After the panel have photographed your bag a label will be attached to the display to let you know that they’ve been and seen it.

3 You may then wheel, carry or drive the bag down to the Square and place it at the Argyle Place paved area for everyone to enjoy for a week It’s up to you how you get it there and how you make it stable for the period of display. Golf buggies, wheel barrows, strapped to a lamp post, baby buggies, whatever, but it will need to be made safe to avoid damaging small children and alarming dogs!

4 Remove the display please by the 20th of August. The bags can go to the amenity skips once you have finished with them.

The winners will be announced in the Northern Times issue on the 19th August


Bags can be taken from the side of the Social Club under the tarpaulin (Two bags maximum please).

* If necessary drill holes in the base of the bag to allow water to drain.

* Fill the bag about half way with old plastic bottles or styrofoam chips, bark or any lightweight free draining material that won’t dissolve in water.

* Fill the rest of the bag with potting compost not forgetting the pockets.

* Water well and allow compost to settle before you ….

* Prick out your seedlings and water again.

* An old golf club could be used as a frame for climbers.

* Ensure the bag is stable and won’t fall over in the wind.

* Any golf related items may be

used to enhance the display

* Grow with lots of TLC.

Entry form here

Dornoch Area Community Interest Company
Registered Office: The Dornoch Hub, Argyle Street, Dornoch IV25 3LA | The Company is registered in Scotland, no. 327565
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